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Central air conditioners, like many household appliances are built to last, so it’s not a purchase you’ll make often. You may go decades between replacing an air conditioning system, so expect the technology, efficiency, and even government regulations to have changed significantly since the last time you shopped. Here’s some of what you can expect.

Air Conditioner Price Range

A number of features, specifications, and add-ons will impact the price of your central air conditioner system, but they generally start around $3,000 and can go up to $10,000 or more (especially if you’re shopping for a commercial unit for a multi-family residence or a business).

What Features Affect Price?

The primary features that determine the price are size, efficiency, complexity of installation, and additional features.

  • Size: Measured in tons, it’s important to purchase a machine large enough to efficiently cool your home without having to run constantly, which will cause premature part wear. Your A/C expert can recommend the right capacity for your home (it’s helpful if you know the square footage of your home in advance).
  • Efficiency: The SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) rating you choose will directly impact your electric bill. The minimum allowed rating in Florida is currently 14, but if your A/C was manufactured before 2005, the SEER rating could be between 10 and 12. Even the minimum 14 SEER unit will significantly improve your energy efficiency, but units are available with ratings up to 23. Spending more on a higher SEER rating upfront will save you more in electricity over the life of the unit. Based on the capacity, expected A/C lifespan, and energy savings, choose the most efficient system you can afford but that will also net you a savings.
  • Installation: Will your A/C replace an existing unit of similar size, or is a brand new installation where there hasn’t been an air conditioner? Will ductwork or power need replacing? Are you adding any new features? Even if the new system is nearly identical in installation requirements to the old existing unit, the installer will have to maneuver large components and handle regulated refrigerants. The process can also take several hours.
  • Add-ons: Will you be adding air quality features, including advanced filtration or anti-microbial treatments? Will you add a smart thermostat or other home automation features? During initial installation is the most economical time to add these features, but it will increase the cost both with parts and labor.

Understanding what is involved in pricing a central air conditioner and its installation will help you avoid sticker shock when it comes time to replace your system. But of course these are just guidelines. Give us a call for a quote for your home or business installation and we’ll walk you through every step!

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