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Fall Leaves Against a Sunny Blue Sky

Fall temperatures can have their ups and downs in Florida, and you may wonder from day to day whether it’s still summer, or if seasons just jumped ahead to winter… up north!

A change of season, though, is a natural time to remember to take care of maintenance—keep your A/C in top condition after grueling summer heat so it can keep you cool through summer-like days in the fall, and be ready for full duty next year.

Replace the Air Filter

Changing your air filter should definitely happen more than annually, but if you’ve gotten off schedule, now is a great time to get back on track with a fresh filter. You can even set reminders in your smartphone to make sure your filters stay clean and effective. The best replacement schedule for your home depends on how many people and pets live in the home, as well as your tolerance for allergens. Roughly:

  • Individual homeowner, no pets: 6+ months
  • Average home: 3 months
  • Household with one pet (cat or dog): 2 months
  • Multiple pet household and/or allergy issues: monthly

If you know your house has a lot of airborne dust (due to indoor or outdoor environment) or pet hair and dander, or if it’s been several years since your system has had a full maintenance check-up, whole-home duct cleaning will improve your air quality and reduce the load on the air handler’s filtration.

Clean Air Purification System

Air purifiers are an optional addition to your air conditioning system, and they can help you breathe easier—literally—by extracting contaminants from the airflow before it gets to your living space. But all that gunk has to go somewhere—and that’s why it’s so important to properly maintain your purifier and clean out all the residue that it cleaned from your air. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations on a maintenance schedule, but if you need to start fresh, now is a great time. Be sure to also give any whole-home (or even standalone) humidifiers the same attention.

Clear Around the Condenser

Dirt, dust, plant growth, and debris can build up outside around your air conditioner condenser unit. Before the weather takes a turn, making outdoor chores less pleasant, take the time to clean up around your outdoor A/C unit and give it some breathing room. And since hurricanes are still a threat, any loose yard items should be stowed or tied down (including the A/C condenser itself) to avoid damage from flying debris (during any storm).

Schedule Professional Maintenance

Your cooling and heating systems are a significant investment—keeping them running optimally not only improves the comfort of your living spaces, but has a direct impact on your wallet. A healthy air conditioner lasts longer (reducing replacement and emergency repair costs), and uses energy more efficiently than one that has been neglected. Consider a regular maintenance plan so your system is always at its best (and avoid surprises), or at least make this change of season a perfect time for a professional HVAC check-up!

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